How to Start Commercial Prawn Farming Guide for Beginners Tips in India


Tips to Start Commercial Prawn Farming Guide for Beginners

Prawn Farming is an Aquaculture Farm Business. It is raising of Shrimps or Prawns in a freshwater pond. Commercial Prawn Farming is transforming into a global industry in the present past. The number of people doing Prawn farming is increasing nowadays. Prawn farming leads to huge profits in the Agri-Business. However one must take proper care and management of the Prawn Farm. Many individual and Farmers who wish to Start Prawn Farming business are unaware of the procedure to start the Farming. Therefore, in this post, we have come up with the Guide to Prawn Farming. For an ease, we have given information on Prawn Farming in an area of 1 Acre.

How to Start Commercial Prawn Farming Guide

Here in this section, we will let you know the details regarding the commercial prawn farming guide. Hence have a look at the below section to have an idea.

Site Selection To Start Prawn Farming: Site or Land selection play an important role in Prawn Farming. Ensure proper access to the intake of water into the Pond, proper sanitation and drainage facilities, good transport channel and especially continuous and surplus supply of water to the Prawn Farm Pond. Divide the 1 Acre land are into two Prawn Farm Freshwater Ponds for easy and proper management. rectangular Farm Ponds are the best suitable Prawn Farm Pons Structures. Maintain depth at a range of 0.75 to 1.2 meter. Ensure the bottom of the Prawn Farm is smooth without any tree stumps and undulating land.

Construction Of Prawn Farm Pond: The Banks of the ponds are at a height of 1.0 to 1.45 meter in order not to allow flooding of water from the freshwater pond. Maintain slope between 3:1 or 4:1 ratio. The top of the bank is kept at 1 meter width so that the Prawn Farm Workers are able to walk over it to carry out the practices in the farm pond.

Seed selection Or Prawn or Shrimp Selection: Stock the prawn immediately after the filling of Farm Pond with the water. However, the stocking rate varies with the size of the Prawn Variety you have chosen. Maintaining higher stocking density leads to the high production but ensure less size prawn to grow. Some of the famous Prawn varieties that are available in India are the

  1. Penaeus vannamei,
  2. Penaeus stylirostris and
  3. P monodon.

It is easy to rear Penaeus vannamei rather than the other two varieties at high-density rates that lead to huge production and margins in the Prawn Farming Pond.

Feed Management in Prawn Farming: We can supply manual concentrate feeds and also farm made organic feeds to the prawn in the Pond. Plant ingredients include Soybean meal, cottonseed meal, wheat bran, fresh leaves of cassava and alfalfa, sesame and coconut oil cake and many others exist. Whereas the animal feed ingredients include the Fish meal, molluscan flesh, earthworms, silkworm litter etc. Feeding with water stable feeds helps in balanced supply of ration to the prawns.

Water Supply and Water Management in Commercial Prawn Farming

Always ensure no interconnection of Inlet and outlet water. From the central water distribution system, each pond is given with a single water supply pipe. The Inlet f the Water supply is above the water level we maintain. Water discharge capacity varies with area and locality. Whereas the outlet pipe is below the Farm Pond. Ensure no leakage of the Outlet pipe that leads to greater damage to the Prawn Farm. Proper aeration facilities are given to the Farm Pond. Maintain Water free from various predators and microorganism so that it helps in long time intervals of Water exchange.


Miscellaneous Management practices in Commercial Prawn Farming Guide

  • Proper Electricity supply.
  • Farmhouse to ensure accommodation for the Prawn Farmer and the workers.
  • Predator and Microbe protection and control.
  • Feed distribution system.
  • Fencing that is major criteria to consider in order to prevent the entry of strangers and other animals in ti Prawn Farm Pond.
  • Storage facilities like dry storage to feed the prawn and to store the other equipment.
  • If you wish to start Prawn Farm in large scale, buy or lease for a Truck in order to transport the larger producers to various areas of the country.

Harvesting And Post Harvest Management In Prawn Farming

Harvesting is done after 5 to 7 months of starting the Prawn Farm Business. On an average, the fully developed Prawn or Shrimps attain a size of 3.5 to 5 cm and varies with the variety and attains a weight of 30 to 50 grams. After Harvesting of the Prawns, they are to place in Ice boxes in order to transport to distant areas and to decrease the losses caused due to the death of the Shrimps or Prawns.

Prawn Farming Advantages and Disadvantages

Prawn Farming is an Aquaculture business. It is nothing but the growing or rearing of Prawns for the consumption of Humans. It is also known as Shrimp Farming. There are many Health Benefits of eating Prawns. In order to meet the demand of Prawns in the market, many Entrepreneurs and Farmers are facing towards Commercial Prawn Farming. Among all Aquaculture Farming Businesses, Prawn Farming is a huge profitable Farm Business. Hence, in this post, we have come up with the information on Pros and Cons of Prawn Farming.

Advantages of Prawn Farming Business in India

  • There are many Benefits of Prawn Farming Business. Among them, Health Benefits are the major ones to consider.
  • They are the great source of quality proteins and some extent to minerals also.
  • In addition, Prawns also acts as a good source of Minerals which are highly necessary for our daily diet.
  • Eating Prawns daily is also very healthy.
  • They are the good source of antioxidants like Selenium that helps in maintaining healthy cells in the human body.
  • When we come to the pros of Prawn Farming, it is easy to Start the Farm Business as it gains more margins.
  • The Value of Kg Prawns is very much high as we compare with other Sea Foods or Aqua Foods.
  • It is easy to maintain proper care and management in the Prawn Farm.
  • We require less number of Labourers.
  • Maintaining Prawn Farm for about 6 months leads to profits throughout the year.

Cons or Disadvantages of Commercial Prawn Farming in India

  • The major drawback of Prawn Farming is that it is a long-term Business that means Income returns requires large time periods.
  • Many Farmers are unaware of Commercial Prawn Farming and its Benefits.
  • In addition, there is less number of available Loans and Subsidies to Start Commercial Prawn Farming.
  • One cannot go for this Prawn Farming in the areas of Water scarcity condition. Surplus water is necessary to start this Agri-Business.
  • Unavailability of Skillful labor to maintain Prawn Farming Business.


This is the information on Pros and Cons of Commercial Prawn Farming Business and how to start it. Please comment if you have any queries regarding Advantages and Disadvantages of Prawn Farming. Click the link below for more information


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