Tips to Start Cricket Farming Guide in India
Cricket Farming is rearing or cultivation of Cricket Insects. Crickets are the rich source of Proteins and Vitamins. In the recent times, those proteins and Vitamins are lacking n our daily diet. This has led to the demand for Crickets as a source of Proteinaceous Food. It is easy to Start Cricket Farming Business. It is the commercial rearing of Crickets. We require little steps in order to Start Cricket Farming. Crickets are good healthy foods. One can also go for Cricket Farming in the Kitchen Garden so that they can prepare their own Health Food source.
In the last post, you got to know about the scope of Cricket Farming Business. As the demand for Cricket Farming Business is increasing rapidly, we have up with this post. In this article, we will let you know the simple and easy procedure to Start this Cricket Farming. However, one should take proper care and management in order to gain more profits in Commercial Cricket Farming.
Whats are Crickets
Crickets are the insects belonging to the family Gryllidae. The body of Crickets is cylindrical in shape with round head and long antennae. The belongs to the order Orthoptera and Class Insecta. The scientific name of Crickets is Gryllus campestris. They are 5 cm long. Crickets can grow in diverse environmental conditions and so cosmopolitan in distribution. We can found them in various habitats. their unique feature is their sound that they make.
Many of us know about Commercial Farming technologies. however, we have also posted many articles on Farming Methods with High-Income returns. We have seen many of you have asked for Unique and recent Farming Methods. Therefore, we have come up with this article on Commercial Cricket Farming.
How to Start Cricket Farming Guide for Beginners
Here in this section, you will see different things that you should follow to Start Cricket Farming Guide Business for Beginners in India. Hence, have a look at the below section to know more.
Cricket Farming Shed
The shed or home for Crickets plays an important role in Cricket Farming. However, Crickets also require less space as we compare with other Farming Businesses. Less home requirement is very advantageous for the Cricket Farmer. 52 liters of Tank or Basin is necessary. In order to keep the Crickets free from escaping place the slides over the Crickets Bin. Choose the Crickets Bin that depends on the Crickets from jumping out of the Bin.
Cricket Bin is fixed with a simple and shallow water dish to provide water for the Crickets. Make sure that the Crickets won’t drown in the Water dish. At last, make sure for proper ventilation in the Cricket rearing Bins. ventilation provides easy breathing for the Crickets. Therefore, go for Effective Cricket Bin Construction.
Where to Buy Crickets
After construction of Crickets House, you must go for purchasing Crickets. It is better to Star Cricket Farming with 500 Crickets as a startup. Maintain 30-degree Celsius within the Cricket House after bringing the Crickets. You can buy Crickets at any Insects research station or visit the Crop protection institute. however, you can also purchase online at or, and
Feeding Of Crickets
Crickets feeding plays a major role in Commercial Cricket Farming as it leads to the gaining of a weight of the Crickets that ultimately leads to the Income Returns in Cricket Farming Business. First of all figure out the necessity of cricket Farming either for home purpose or Commercial Cricket Farming. For Commercial Cricket Farming, feed the Crickets with the Cucumbers, Pumpkins, carrots, leaves etc that suits the Crickets. The taste of Crickets depends on what they Eat. So, consider feeding of crickets in Commercial Cricket Rearing.
Maintaining Maternity Area For The Crickets
Select the proper area for maternating or mating arrangement for the Crickets. It leads to egg laying of the crickets. crickets lay eggs that mostly depends on the availability of moisture. Sprinkle the base of the Crickets bin with the soil and place the tray on to it. Spray or Sprinkle the water on to it. Spray the water at regular intervals of time periods. The eggs of the Crickets seems like tiny grains. alter remove the trays with Eggs for their incubation.
Incubating The Crickets Eggs
After laying of eggs, they are collected and set for incubation. Incubate the Crickets Eggs in 905 Rh. Place a heater or heat lamp below the tray with Eggs of crickets. However, Incubating the Eggs of Crickets in Artificial Incubators is good. Incubation of Crickets eggs is done for a period of 7 to 10 Days. However, one must also make sure of spraying or sprinkling water over the tray in order make the Crickets Eggs hatch.
Raising Of Crickets
After hatching, raise the newly born Crickets in separate chambers in order to make sure less mortality of Crickets. Feed the baby Crickets with small food pieces in order to make sure they feed on them. However, you can also sell them to any farmer who is willing to Start Commercial Cricket Farming Business. In order to gain huge income returns in Cricket Farming, you can also add them back to your own Cricket Farming.
Commercial Cricket Farming Business
Cricket Farming is nothing but the rearing of Crickets for the commercial and beneficial purpose of humans. Crickets are the Insects which are the rich source of proteins. Cricket Farming a popular practice followed in Thailand since 1998. In the world, there are only 20,000 farmers or Entrepreneurs go for Cricket farming Agribusiness. In the recent times, the technology of Cricket farming is being spread to many countries of South Asia. Small-scale and Marginal Farmers see a business opportunity in doing Commercial Cricket Farming. Mostly, we can use common species of Crickets to do this farming. Knowing proper care and management skills may lead to high-income returns in this method of advance AgriFarming
Scope Of Commercial Cricket Farming Business
- Many of us don’t know much about Cricket Farming and its scope for Commercial production.
- In many countries, Livestock and Fishes are the major sources of proteins. Livestock Production contributes 70% of the agricultural Land Utilization. Likewise, the Fish production also has same demand. They require more inputs and there are a number of farmers doing these Farming Businesses. Their demand is due to their rich source of proteins and food.
- This lead to the opportunity for Cricket Farming. It meets the demand of the food sources like Meat, Fish, and others.
- Crickets are the rich source of proteins thus they can replace the above Agricultural Farming Activities.
- However, Crickets also tastes very good as like fishes and Meat.
- There are many benefits of Eating Insects like Crickets.
- Many of us don’t know about Cricket farming which has made it a Unique Farming Business.
- Many surveys have found that Commercial Cricket farming is a booming and huge profitable Business.
- Cricket Farming is necessary in order to meet the demand of food as the population is increasing day by day.
This is the Scope and importance of Commercial Cricket Farming Business and How to Start Cricket Farming Guide in India. We will surely update this post when new information arises. For any doubt comment below.